The African Centre Domains of Change

New Commer Settlement Program

Goal: African and African descent LGBTQ+ refugees and immigrants have overcome structural and systematic barriers specific to newcomers and immigrants. Objective: To help newcomers from Africa and African descent settle, adjust, integrate, and contribute to society as soon as possible. Outcome: Seamless and full integration into the Canadian Society.

Program Activities:

  • Establish and maintain a toll-free line for information dissemination and service delivery.
  • Message development in less complex languages.
  • Map out potential partners that can contribute positively to the program objective and outcome of this domain.
  • Legal Aid Clinic

    Goal: LGBTQ+ African and of African descent cab access legal aid support and equitable justice. Objective: To ease the accessibility to legal aid services and the justice system by LGBTQ+ African and LGBTQ+ persons of African Descent in Ontario Canada. Outcome: Justice for all.

    Program Activities:

  • Public legal education workshops
  • Establish a trans ID clinic.
  • Conduct mock hearings for refugee claimants.
  • Establish a legal advice clinic.
  • Research and documentation.
  • Referral services for legal representation.
  • Shelter Program

    Goal: Establish specific shelters for LGBTQ+ refugees from of Africa and of African descent in Ontario-Canada. Objective: To ensure access to immediate shelter and housing programs by all LGBTQ+ Africans and of African descent in Ontario-Canada. Outcome: Readily available shelter and housing assistance programs for LGBTQ+ Africans and those of African descent.

    Program Activities:

  • Case management and thorough assessments (using enhance STAR)
  • Housing supports.
  • Documentation
  • Social assistance.
  • Volunteering opportunities.
  • Services coordination and referrals to healthcare partners.
  • Health and Wellness

    Goal: Creating healthcare proximity and accessibility to services to LGBTQ+ Africans and of African descent refugees.

    Objective: To promote personal healthcare and wellness for LGBTQ+ Africans and of African descent refugees.

    Outcome: Improved physical and mental health among LGBTQ+ Africans and refugees of African descent through increased access to culturally competent and inclusive healthcare services.

    Core Values

  • Diversity
  • Inclusivity
  • Integrity
  • Solidarity
  • Innovation
  • Resilience
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